The Importance of Stretching Before and After Exercise

Your earbuds are in, your shoes are laced up, and you’re ready to exercise — but no need to stretch first, right? Many fitness gurus say you should avoid stretching before a workout. However, skipping pre-workout stretches could lead to an injury. Is it Better to Stretch Before or After a Workout? For maximum benefits, it's crucial to stretch both before and after your workout. Despite online sources suggesting otherwise, this isn’t as clear-cut as it seems. An older study found that static stretching before a workout could reduce athletic performance, potentially leading to the myth that pre-workout stretching isn’t beneficial. However, the reduced performance only lasted a few minutes and didn’t affect long-term strength or endurance. Moreover, newer studies indicate that pre-workout static stretching may not harm performance after all. It’s important to note that this older study only dealt with static stretching — where you extend through your joint and hold the stretch. This i...