Correct the CHOLESTEROL !

Lipid metabolism (CHOLESTEROL) disorders:

Lipid-metabolism (Cholesterol) disorder, which quite frequently occurs together with diabetes, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, overweight and lack of exercise, the main risk factors responsible for the development of coronary heart disease-i.e. disease of the arteries supplying blood to the heart itself.


Dyslipidamaemia can be favorably controlled by dietary measures and if necessary
medicaments. If dyslipidamaemia is not treated it contributes a major risk for coronary heart disease. The presence of other risk factors such as high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, Diabetes, severe obesity further increase the risk.

The increased blood lipids put a burden on the walls of the blood vessels it also leads to the deposition of lipids on the arterial walls, resulting into a progressive narrowing of the blood vessels, which reduces the blood flow to the heart and other parts of the body ,you should therefore control and monitor your lipid levels.
 Your doctor can give you advice on the necessary measures to take. The appropriate measures must be taken continuously to decisively lower the risk.

Blood lipids consist of various fats or fat like substances which serve as suppliers of energy and building material. The important lipids are:

1. Cholesterol
2. Triglycerides
3. HDL-Cholesterol

1. CHOLESTEROL: A blood lipid mainly produced in the body itself. The type and composition of food ingested does affect the blood cholesterol levels. (e.g.eggs, butter, meat, are high in cholesterol content).

2. TRIGLYCERIDES: Triglycerides are fatty substances taken in by the body predominantly in animal and vegetable food stuffs as well as are formed in the liver.

3. HDL-CHOLESTEROL: HDL-Cholesterol is good cholesterol which removes excess cholesterol from the body as well as that deposited on the linings of arteries.
Higher the HDL-Cholesterol, lesser the risk.


Excessive food intake (foods rich in fat, high intake of sugar, high intake of saturated fatty acids e.g.butter, coconut fat etc)
Inheritance from your family
Diabetes or disorders of the thyroid, kidneys or liver
Lack of physical exercise


If you have other risk factors e.g.hypertension, diabetes, family history, cigarette smoking you should determine your lipid levels at the earliest. Your doctor can tell you what measures have to be taken to restore to the normal lipid levels.


Your cooperation is of decisive importance

  • Eat the right food (you probably have to give up some of your favourite eating habits and learn to enjoy with low calorie low fat diet).
  • Reduce saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet
  • Use less oils and fats
  • Eat low fat food.
  • Use skim milk and skim milk products
  • Cook with polyunsaturated and mono saturated vegetable oils.
  • Trim fats from from meat and choose lean cuts.
  • Avoid sweet foods such as jams, chocolates, cakes, sweets and ice creams.
(Do not replace oils, fats with calories in terms of sugar, other carbohydrates since these ultimately get converted into fats in the body, when they are supplied in excess.

Diet change should never be drastic; you can harm your health by cutting out essential food)

If you are overweight you should attempt to reach your normal weight. Just losing weight can lead to a fall in your elevated blood lipids. Increase your self image by
“Eating yourself slim”.

EXERCISE REGULARLY: Regular physical activity should be a part of your programme.Exercise helps you to increase your HDL (good cholesterol)

DO NOT SMOKE CIGARETTES: Sometimes 1pack (pack of 10) of cigarettes per day doubles your risk of heart attack compared to a non-smoker. It will also reduce your HDL(the good cholesterol)

                           Stop smoking if you are a smoker

High blood pressure makes arteries susceptible for heart attacks and raised lipids may further enhance pressure on the arterial walls through deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels.

The risk of heart attack increases at least by 2fold in diabetes
Dyslipidaemia usually is present in diabetics. Diabetics usually show elevated levels of triglycerides and low levels of HDL.

Alcohol can lead to an increase in the blood lipids.

If your doctor has additionally prescribed you a medicament, take it regularly.
You will find that it is not too difficult to get your blood lipids to normal values in this manner. Make absolutely sure and have your blood lipids monitored by your doctor. Together, with diet measures, doctor’s advise and  your co-operation soon you will be able to say:

MY BLOOD LIPIDS ARE OKAY…. I AM ON THE ROAD TO HEALTHY LIVING.                                                 


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