Foot care in Diabetes

How will diabetes trouble me?

How can it affect my feet?

How can I prevent it?

Read this to find answers for above questions:

       With uncontrolled diabetes (consistent high blood glucose values), the nerves of the feet get affected start loosing sensation. With the loss of sensation, small injuries go unnoticed. Also in people with diabetes wounds take a long time to heal. All this may finally lead to amputation of feet.

How can I prevent it?
·        Never walk bare feet

·        Carefully inspect your feet every day. Due to diabetes the sensation is reduced and hence you may not notice any blisters, corns or injury. Use a mirror to view the feet properly or ask other family members to help you in inspecting the feet,
      Looking out for the following :

           Changes in the colour of leg(Red or purple colour)
           Changes in shape and colour of nails
           Changes in shape of feet
           Changes in temperature of feet
           Any wounds/blisters
           Dry and cracked feet
           Inflammation of feet

·        Do not cut the corns or callus, always consult the doctor

·        Cut your nails strait across, corner cutting may give injuries to toes.

·        Keep the nails well trimmed. Longer the nails, higher the chance of injury.

·        If you find nails changing shape (thickening, bending inwards etc) immediately consult a doctor

·        Keep your feet clean to prevent infections

·        Always check the temperature of the water before you put feet in, use warm water to wash the feet.

·        Use only mild soap, do not soak the feet for long

·        Dry feet carefully with clean, soft towel, pay special attention to the surface between toes

·        To avoid excessive drying of feet use a moisturizer but not between the toes

Importance of shoes and socks:

Shoes and socks are very important, most of the problems occur due to ill- fitting shoes.

Check list for selecting right shoes:

·        Wear soft and fit footwear, should not be very tight to ensure blood circulation is not hampered
·        Buy shoes during evening time as the leg size is maximum at this time
·        When changing over to new shoes, do so gradually. wear the new shoe for a few hours everyday.
·        For long walks, use sports shoes which have a smooth inner lining and cushioning
·        If you have wet feet, socks should be of permeable material which allows evaporation of sweat.
·        If you have cold feet, use socks which keep the feet warm
·        Use white colored socks, to spot any bleeding due to injury
·        Use socks which have cushioned heels to protect the feet from any shocks
·        Go for a morning walk daily with proper footwear. This will help in the proper blood circulation in the feet
·        To prevent injury, keep your feet covered at all times. Change socks everyday and keep your feet clean

Regular checking by Doctor:
Monofilament test – is a test done to check the level of sensation in feet.The monofilament is touched against various part of sole of the feet and the sensation is checked

Incase of any unusual thing happening like red patches,athlete foot etc consult your doctor immidiately


  1. Thankyou for this wondrous post, I am glad I observed this website on yahoo. footcare drill


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