TYPE 1Diabetes: It is seen generally in below 30yrs age due to absence of insulin secretion.
TYPE 1Diabetes: It is seen generally in below 30yrs age due to absence of insulin secretion.
Insulin should be taken from outside.
The main symptoms are excessive urination, excessive thirst, excessive hunger, weight loss.
Auto-Immune reaction is the cause of this type of Diabetes where insulin producing cells are attacked by body defense system.
TYPE 2Diabetes: It is seen generally after 40yrs.
In this type insulin is produced but not in enough quantity so that the levels of sugar increases in the blood due to improper transport of glucose from the blood stream to the cells.
So the body is unable to use the energy properly from the food we eat. The symptoms are thirst, tiredness, lethargy, changes in weight.
90% of diabetics fall under this category.
GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS: This type occurs during the pregnancy.
In most of the cases this is not permanent after delivery it recedes in majority cases.
There are short term complications and long term complications in diabetes.
SHORT TERM COMPLICATIONS are low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), diabetes coma.
Hypoglycemia occurs when blood glucose drops below normal levels.
It can be treated by eating chocolates or drinking glucose/sugar water. Symptoms are sweating, hunger, dizziness, headache, shakiness.
Diabetes coma is due to abnormally low glucose levels that lead to unconsciousness with a risk of brain damage or death.
LONG TERM COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES: Nervous system disorders, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, diabetic foot ulcers, poor eye sight, reproductive system disorders, respiratory system infection………etc
Diet and Exercise helps to control diabetes
For a diabetic it is important to have a proper diet plan.
First plan when to eat. Take less food more times. For eg; morning, breakfast,morning snack,lunch,evening snack, dinner.
Follow good eating habits like eating meals for at least 20min slowly, have breakfast everyday, chew the food properly.
Finally avoid foods like,cakes,chocolates.
Reduce salt intake.
Avoid mangoes,grapes,watermelon,pineapple,raisins in large amounts also limit intake of meat,butter,wholefat milk, dairy products and cream sauces.
Exercise plays a vital role in diabetes management.40 min walking per day ensures proper utilization of glucose .
Enhance your daily activity.
Diabetics can take their children for walk.
Walk 10 min after having meal.
If possible spend at least 15min in gardening.
Regularly practicing aerobic exercises for 30min in a day gives lot of benefit.
You can swim half an hour a day.
Play tennis/badminton.
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