Exercise in Diabetes

Exercise in Diabetes
Exercise is must in diabetes if the body permits to do.It plays a vital role in controlling diabetes
30 minutes exercise per day helps:
Proper utilization of insulin in diabetics taking insulin
stress release
lower blood sugar and blood pressure
reduces bad cholesterol
lose weight
makes heart,bones,muscles strong
keep joints flexible

Walking - Simple to do and cost effective-requires a pair of shoe only
Swimming-one can walk in water or move the feet in water though they don't know swimming.It is also a sort of exercise
Gardening-watering,removing weeds,pulling flowers or plants is also a good exercise
Playing-playing with kids or grand kids in the park,throwing a disk are also good exercise

Yoga also controls diabetes.Asanas like Dhanurasana,shavasana,bhujangasana,paschimottanasana helps in proper functioning of pancreas and insulin
Before doing any exercise stretching of muscles in the following manner helps to increase flexibility:
Standing wall pushes,hip stretch,quad stretch,calf stretch

Diabetics should not exercise immediately after injecting insulin
Dont exercise on empty stomach.It may cause hypoglycemia
Consult the doctor before starting any exercise
Always take the guidance of technician while practicing yoga
Avoid exercise if there is retinopathy,proteinurea,high blood pressure,high glucose levels
Avoid running,cycling,jogging if there is nerve damage


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