Weight loss tips

Weight loss tips:

Weight:How to access the correct weight i.e whether the weight is more or less than desired

Calculate the body mass index(BMI)
BMI=Weight/height in meter*2
Check height in meters
Find out weight in kilograms
Then calculate BMI

If BMI<19  underweight
   BMI is between 19&25  recommended weight range
   BMI is between 25&30  overweight
   BMI is more than 30 obese.

Waist size:Waist size gives the storage of fat around belly.Apple shaped bellies indicates obesity.Healthy waist less than 40inches in men and less than 35inches in women

One can monitor their BMI,body fat byusing body fat monitors analyzer scales like karadascan…..etc

Overweight leads to many diseases like high blood pressure,stroke,diabetes,sleep apnea,cancer,osteoarthritis,stress.

How to reduce the overweight:
Our body needs energy for metabolic activities. If the energy is released more than required due to excess food intake it is stored in form of fats in the body which leads to weight gain.
Reduction in calorie intake and increasing the physical activity helps in weight loss to a great extent
Consult a dietician to know about your daily calorie requirement
Strictly follow the suggested diet plan and adopt a daily exercise plan
The key factor for losing weight is determination of individual, if the diet and exercise guidelines suggested by experts implemented on day to day basis, it is not very difficult to reduce and manage the healthy weight


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