How to reduce the weight gain due to medication in diabetics?
Insulin and few blood glucose lowering medicines adds to the weight of diabetics.
This weight gain may not be permanent if you take help of your dietitian/doctor in balancing blood glucose control with your weight
This weight gain occurs when blood glucose level improves glucose lost in urine decreases.This glucose is stored as fat if you take more calories than required
Having more insulin build tissues like fat cells as insulin is a growth hormone.These fat cells with extra calories add weight.
Some medicines stimulate appetite and increases the chance of low blood glucose.Due to this hunger and fluid retention increases.This add calories which increases weight
Ways to decrease the weight gain
Speak to your doctor about the medicine and its side effects.Ask for help and a plan to reduce the side effect
Adjust calorie intake regularly
Increase physical activity to burn more calories
Don't eat too much to treat hypoglycemia.It can raise blood glucose and add excess calories
By right life style modification,physical activity,healthy eating one can reduce the weight gained in diabetes due to medicines/insulin
This weight gain may not be permanent if you take help of your dietitian/doctor in balancing blood glucose control with your weight
This weight gain occurs when blood glucose level improves glucose lost in urine decreases.This glucose is stored as fat if you take more calories than required
Having more insulin build tissues like fat cells as insulin is a growth hormone.These fat cells with extra calories add weight.
Some medicines stimulate appetite and increases the chance of low blood glucose.Due to this hunger and fluid retention increases.This add calories which increases weight
Ways to decrease the weight gain
Speak to your doctor about the medicine and its side effects.Ask for help and a plan to reduce the side effect
Adjust calorie intake regularly
Increase physical activity to burn more calories
Don't eat too much to treat hypoglycemia.It can raise blood glucose and add excess calories
By right life style modification,physical activity,healthy eating one can reduce the weight gained in diabetes due to medicines/insulin
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